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Dover, NH

      Belknap & Elm Reconstruction is a utility and streetscape project aimed at updating the drainage, waterline, road and walkways across four streets in Dover. The utility scope includes 4,000 LF of drainage and 5,700 LF of water. The roadway portions includes a full depth reconstruction, granite curb, and a combination of new concrete and brick walkways. 


This project was completed in Fall of 2020.


Portsmouth, NH

Lincoln Area Sewer Separation located in downtown Portsmouth, NH is the largest pipe project that Severino Trucking has had to date.  The main purpose of this $5.5M project is to separate the storm water system from the sewer system.


In order to do this, 2500 LF of new 30" PVC sewer main was installed along with 850 LF of 24", 550 LF of 12", 440 LF of 10" and 2200 LF of 8" that connected six side roads and re-routed 1300 LF of cross county sewer that now exists. One hundred thirty homes also had new sewer services installed. The storm water that currently runs into the sewer system will now run in a new drainage system consisting of 1700 LF of 48" RCP pipe along with 4500 LF of new drainage pipe that ranges from 12" to 42".


Not to be left out, was the installation of 3800 LF of 12" DI water pipe and 2400 LF of 8" DI water pipe along with almost 4,000 LF of service pipes to the existing homes.This was a particularly challenging job not only because of the tight quarters, but the depth of the pipe (up to 18') and the 12' of ledge that needed to be removed.  


Newmarket, NH

This project consisted of utility replacement and complete roadway reconstruction in the heart of downtown Newmarket, NH, providing existing homes and businesses with new sewer and water services. The project included 1,100 LF of 10” and 8” sewer mains, 3,800 LF of 16”, 12” and 8” water mains and 2,800 LF of drainage.


In addition, overhead cabling was replaced with 65,000 feet of conduit to provide new underground power, phone and cable services. New granite curb, concrete sidewalks and ornamental light poles finished the new look of the downtown area.


The major challenge was to complete the work while limiting the impact on the downtown businesses. Traffic was redirected to one-way in order to maintain traffic flow and adequate parking. Work was done in 3 phases to accommodate the needs of the businesses, the traffic and the construction work.

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