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Islington Street Corridor Improvements

Portsmouth, NH

     Islington Street is one of the City's highest trafficked streets leading to the downtown. This project is a major infrastructure and roadway reconstruction. Utility replacement includes 2,900 LF of sewer, 3,300 LF of water, and 3,000 LF of drainage. The roadway will be fully reconstructed with new full depth selects and paving. 


     In keeping with other streets in the City, Islington will also have an extensive hardscape and landscaping upgrade. Concrete sidewalks, brick paver bands and landscape esplanades will round out the enhancements.  




Dover, NH

     Severino Trucking was awarded the largest construction project the State has put out to bid in May of 2016: The Newington/Dover Project. This project is the final phase of construction that will connect the Spaulding Turnpike from the Dover Toll to Exit 1 at the Pease Trade Port with a four-lane highway for both the North and Southbound lanes. The project involves not only the widening of the Spaulding Turnpike, but also the construction of a full access interchange at Exit 6; removal of the existing US Route 4 Bridge over the Spaulding Turnpike along with the construction of a new bridge, construction of a roundabout at the intersection of US Route 4/Spur Road/Boston Harbor Road; construction of 18,000 lf of sound walls; and City of Dover water and sewer relocations.

     The Dover/ Newington project is one of the most complex projects to date being that has 8 traffic phases and subsequent phases within those to complete the project. There are also new items to Severino that will need to be completed for the project: one being High Modulus Columns that will support footings on the new US Route 4 Bridge and the other bring micro tunneling for new water and sewer lines under the Turnpike.

     Along with the new items are the standard construction items that are very familiar to Severino Trucking, but will be done on a much larger scale. Some of these items include 210,00 cy of excavation, 231,000 cy of embankment-in-place, 250,000 cy of selects, 85,000 tons of pavement, 262,150 sf of wood panel sound walls, 31,000 lf of drainage pipe, 468 drainage structures, two sewer pump stations, 3,700 lf of sewer pipe, and 3,000 lf of water pipe.


This project was completed Spring 2021.



Concord, NH

This tri-phase project consists of the revitalization, reconfiguration, and reconstruction of both North and South Main Street in downtown Concord   including new brick pavers, underground utility work, and granite tree wells. The bustling street was narrowed to make way for a wider, more accessible, pedestrian walkway which in turn made it necessary to relay drainage to pick up the runoff along the new curb line. The project also included the replacement of water services, hydrants, and fire services. 


This project began in the fall of 2014 and was completed November 2016.

Little Bay Bridge 2010 (91)


Newington/Dover, NH

This joint venture project with Cianbro Corp involved the construction of a new bridge to carry two North and South bound lanes over the Little Bay as well as a new pedestrian bridge accessing the old General Sullivan Bridge. 2,300 lf of mainlines shifted exisiting lanes onto the new four lane bridge to allow for improvements in the next phase. 2,700 lf of Hilton Drive was reconstructed as well. Three MSE were constructed totaling 14,000 sf and ranging in height from 8' to 33'. Sound walls were constructed atop 700 lf of the MSE wall on the West side of mainline. 


To gain access to Little Bay Bridge was building a causeway 150 feet out into the bay from each shoreline using 20,000 cy of class B stone up to 20' below average water level and 10' above 75' wide. This was a challenge considering Little Bay has the strongest currents in the USA. 


Materials totals to complete this project included 24,000 cy of gravel for under pavement, 12,700 ton of asphalt, 65,000 cy of common excavation, 45,000 cy of fill place, 12,000 sy of invasive species control, 7,000 lf of drainage pipe, 122 concrete drainage structures, two large storm water leeching galleries (BMP's), 5,700 lf of granite curbing, demo and abatement of three existing buildings, along with hundreds of other incidental items. 

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